Kids Sports Active Program

Kids Sports Active Program (KSAP)

30 Minute Session

Sports Activity Program is designed for kids aged 3-5 years old. We aim to teach the fundamental perceptual motor skills, the building blocks we need for physical activity, sport & cognitive development.

Children without FPMS are severely disadvantaged when it comes to sports and all the other physical and psychological experiences they will encounter during their lifetime. Through early purposeful play experiences, they will be able to develop sensory and movement abilities, including:

  • Locomotion and balance
  • Catch, track, and intercept
  • Throw, kick, and strike
  • Cognitive skills

Our goal is to provide each student with every opportunity to develop a love of sports & health.

Each activity will use a combination of some or all FPMS at any one time and be linked to the game of tennis to help the child transition into the next stages of their Tournament Tennis Program.


The easiest way to understand fundamental perceptual motor skills is to understand its different parts:

  • Fundamental – the foundation, base, or essential component of a structure or system
  • Perceptual – the recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli
  • Motor – referring to motion or movement
  • Skill – proficiency that is acquired through training or experience


Coatesville TC

Glen Orme TC

Mordialloc TC

Price - $90 FOR 5 WEEK PROGRAM

To confirm the day and time you prefer, click on Registration

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